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Autism Resource Center

Resources and Advocacy Groups

Autism Coalition
Autism Information Center at the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control
Search for Autism Information Center in the search function.
Autism National Committee
Autism-PDD Resources Network
Autism National Committee
An advocacy organization dedicated to "Social Justice for All Citizens with Autism". Access articles and newsletters, and learn about upcoming events.
Autism Society of America
Provides information regarding treatment, education and research about the day-to-day issues faced by people on the spectrum. Link to local chapters and access resources.
Autism Speaks
Access a video glossary to learn more about the early warning signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD); link to local resources, chapters and social networks through a search function; learn ways to get involved and locate walking events.
MAAP Services for Autism and Asperger Spectrum
A nonprofit organization providing opportunities for parents and professionals to network with others in similar circumstances and to learn about more advanced individuals within the autism spectrum.
National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center
Search for autism to access the center.

Magellan Health Services and your program are in no way associated with these resources, and do not endorse or guarantee references or sites listed. No unfavorable inference should be drawn from the fact that a resource is not listed here.